Monday, June 30, 2014

Room 222

Late Night Blog

From The Desk Of Mr. Obvious:

Late night blogging is much healthier than late night eating from a disgusting food from disgusting establishments who spend millions of dollars advertising to people who are up late.

Spending money on a gym membership is more rewarding and will have more long term benefits than spending twice as much money on an outing to the local watering hole with your buddies drinking egregious amounts of alcohol and fried foods. 

Progress is more important than perfection because you can always get better but you will never be perfect. 

Until we read again, 


p.s.    Great Advice:

p.p.s.     Go USA Tomorrow in their World Cup Game against Belgium

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Process Of Elimination : Day Six\Seven 84\83 To Go

The Best "Program" Is The One That Gives You The Desired Result

Had an awesome weekend.    Did some serious liftin' on Friday evening and abs feel sore as I write this.    

Nutritionally I feel better after a week void of alcohol and fried chicken.    Even though there is not any measurable progress my shirts feel looser and I again feel more energetic and focused.    Looking forward to additional benefits as I continue to exclude these two things from my diet. 

For this week I am going to rid my diet of any packaged sweets.    This is a curious choice for me because I do not usually eat sweets.   However, not eating the random sweets will do wonders for my overall health. 

Until we read again, 


Friday, June 27, 2014

What The Hokey Pokey Has To Do With Personal Improvement. Day Five 85 To Go

"Don't Focus On A Diet, Focus On Eating Healthy"
-From Nutritional Blog

So, I am heading to the gymnasium for a good workout after I post.   Although I could and will exercise more as the time progresses it is safe to say that I am pretty confident in this category. 

Nutrition, on the other hand is the aspect of my journey is definitely an area that can use some improving.    I can log what I ate today but it wouldn't do me or you any good because of the imperfection of the meals.    Food logs will be entered again in the near future, just not right now.    

One breakthrough that I did stumble upon is a strategy that when compounded on and worked with in  conjunction with conscious healthy eating habits will lead to desired improvements.    I started this week by stating that I would focus on not consuming alcoholic beverages of any sort or fried chicken of any sort, as of this writing I have not even craved these two calorie vehicles, if you will.  

Moving forward my strategy for the next 90 days is to introduce one or two foods a week that I am eliminating from my meals to add to the ones from the previous weeks.    So next week I will come up with two foods that I am no longer going to eat in addition to fried chicken and alcoholic beverages and will continue to do this until I am at a good place and will correct course as needed.  

As far as I see it the secret behind a successful transformation is to focus on Progress versus Perfection because like the Hokey Pokey;  that's what it's all about. 

Until we read again,



Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sometimes Losing Is Another Form Of Winning: Day Four 86 To Go

So I watched the USA advance in the World Cup at work today on a far away television and despite them losing 1-Nil to Germany they still showed American fans clapping and celebrating after the game.    The fans were clapping because since Portugal beat Ghana they will now advance to play Belgium next Tuesday in the Sweet 16 version of the World Cup.     So in essence sometime winning in losing, right?

No exercise today because I have an hour long workout scheduled with the most wonderful person in the world tomorrow and a personal trainer (which at times could be considered as the least wonderful person in the world). 

Nutritionally I did beat up the burger as I didn't eat one and I uniquely fasted between my first meal and 11:00 am.    There was a good reason for doing this at the time but I don't quite recall what it was at the time of this writing.    Here is my nutritional intake for the day:  Candy bar for breakfast (I know, healthy the reason I ate this was because there was a candy bar in my desk drawer which was given to me the day prior),   Chicken Quesidilla with onions, jalapenos and bell peppers at 11:00am, had some peanut butter around 12:30pm, some chips around 3 and this awesome Puerto Rican Rice Lasange with Chicken a little after 5pm.    Again not a nutritionally brilliant day but satisfied none the less. 

Until we read again, 


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Motivational Picture Quote

Glad Camels Are No Longer Associated With Midweek: Day Three 87 To Go

Another perfect nutritionally imperfect day.    Some convenient eating, some emotional eating that stemmed from the ambiguity of the situation.     Let me see if I can remember what I ate:    Sausage Muffin,   Eggs and Hash Browns with free gravy (weird I know, don't judge, I was compelled to do it),    Two Enchilladas With Rice,   1/3 of an order of Chicken Nachos (had a late lunch with a friend who didn't want to eat alone), Cheeseburger, Chips, Meatballs and Rice.     Whew!    I kinda feel bad after eating all that, time to forgive and forget, focus on getting better and making tomorrow a better day.

There were some good strides made in physical activity.    Yesterday after my post I did an XBox 8 Minute Boot Camp Style workout, a balance and then a jump rope session.    Today I did a 20 minute HIIT style workout and increased my bodyweight lifting to 25 reps from 20 yesterday.     Very satisfied with the progress in the activity arena.     Need to tighten my belt on the nutrition starting tomorrow, or focus more on nutrition so that I can tighten my belt????   **  Mind Blown **

Today I found myself continually focused on what coulda shoulda been.      But I realize that if it shoulda been then it woulda been so that there is no need to cry in my soup.      The master architect of our lives (if that is what you believe) has a higher purpose for us and this is exactly the paths that we need to be on.

Until we read again,


p.s.    Are you a Nutritional Expert?   Great!   I am open to suggestions, comment below.
p.p.s.   A friend of mine who used to be a personal trainer shared the following YOU TUBE VIDEO with me.   I like this video, this fellow's talk is pretty intense to say the least.

stock-footage-fight-the-cholesterol-a-healthy-man-on-a-diet-fighting-against-the-junk-food-monster-hd-loop.jpg (400×226)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cause Someone Had A Bad Day? Day Two 88 To Go

Start with the less than perfect news and end with the better news.    Today was somewhat a nutritional bust due to stressful emotional eating, breakfast consisted of a sausage breakfast sandwich, followed by two Taco Tuesday overstuffed tacos (not too bad with the exception of the cheese and shell), supper was pretty good had some chicken soup with brown rice but I followed it up with a stress buster ice cream cone.    Which is pretty weird because I don't particularly care for sweets.     The biggest take away from this is to curb and be mindful of the emotional eating by not allowing my emotions to control my nutritional choices. 

The better news is that I completed an at-home body weight work-out that I found online.     This is a workout based on progression, I am very excited to do more.  This goes into the Progress Not Perfection that I was talking about in yesterday's post

I was reading the most fascinating article the other day about Roger Bannister and how he used the power of visualisation in order to be the first person to ever run a Four-Minute mile.      The gist of the article was because no one else had already completed the goal that Roger Bannister had set for himself that he had to see himself running a four-minute mile in his minds eye before he could actually did it.    We all know the rest of the story where Bannister successfully ran a Four Minute mile and how many countless number of people continue to do this through to this day thanks to Bannister's pioneer spirit. 

How are we imagining our future selves?    When we drift off into sleep at night do we see ourselves in better shape, effortlessly making the best nutritiously sound food choices, getting the correct amount of exercise and living a better overall lifestyle?   Or do we liberally should our beds as we fall asleep and allow your minds to fester in negative self-defeating thoughts about how out-of-shape you are, how you only eat crappy foods, how you hate the way you look in the mirror, etc?

The morals of today's story is:

  1. Be Mindful Of Emotional Eating
  2. Focus on Progress Not Perfection
  3. Visualize Yourself Running Your "Four Minute Mile" Before Bed And During Down Time 

Until we read again, 


p.s.    Thank you for the read.    If you have something to say I would love to hear it, COMMENT BELOW.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Just Another Magic Monday: Day One 89 To Go

I feel great as I write this.  

Nutritionally I started my day off with a Granola Bar at 8:49am, my second meal was a Chicken Quesidilla with Jalapenos,  Mushrooms and Bell Peppers at 11:46am,   there were some Pringle chips around 5:00pm and the most fascinating I had were "Canoes" or Banana Boats which are a Puerto Rican delicacy made with Ground Beef, Olives and Baked Bananas.    Interesting and different to say the least.

As of this writing there has not been any physical exercise.     Sometime between this post and bed time there will be a basic body weight exercise workout.     When it comes to change taking action is the name of the game.    MOTION CREATES EMOTION.

Until we read again,


p.s.   I realize today was a perfectly imperfect day but excited about the progress.    You are welcome to share any comments below.

Sunday Funday & The Last Supper

Yesterday was the last hurrah, before the 90 day journey.

Hi ho Silver.......AWAY!!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

At Start Of 90 Day Journey

"It's not where you start, it's where you finish."

Here is a current photograph of myself and Pro Bowl Arizona Cardinals Cornerback Patrick Peterson

About Daddy Phoenix Rising

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We are were we are and there is no other place that we should be.    We are were we are as a decisions that we have made in the past and here is were we should be. 

Hello, my name is Jaxon Wolfe and I am on a mission.    On Monday June 23, 2014 the new version of me will emerge from the ashes of the former version  like the mythical Phoenix and I will document my journey on the blog.   The purpose of this documentation is to help and inspire others who are on or who wants to start a similar metaphorically powerful emergence from the ashes. 

The past is the past and as of this writing I know of no person past or present who can travel back in a Delorean to correct their past "mistakes".      The first step in this journey is to embrace the past, draw lessons from what happened, make peace with what you need to make peace with, let it go and move on.    Act in the now to create a favorable future. 

Our habits either make or break us and in order to control our futures in a favorable way is to discard current behaviours that are sending or have sent your life on a downward spiral and powerfully and emphatically create new habits that will propel our lives in an upward spiral of happiness, bliss and success. 

Everyone will have different things that they are focused on.    My focus will be on overall health.     I was just recently "fired" yes I was literally fired by a nutritional coach who works with top olympic and professional athletes with their nutritional and performance goals.     I will tell you a little more about that coaching relationship before I tell you about the break-up. 

Upon realizing that I was not as overly athletic as I desired to be I went online and found a nutrition coach.    I paid her fee, she sent me a list of approved foods, a meal plan including recipies and optimal meal timing.   

 I was to log my nutrition on a daily basis and send her a nightly e-mail with my nutrition and physical activity for that day.   She would then reply with feedback on what I did well and suggestions on what to do better moving forward.    After about two weeks of this my coach just sent me an e-mail message stating that she was terminating  our coaching relationship, refunding her fee in full, told me something along the lines of how I would lose about 20-30 pounds if I did nothing but stop drinking beer and she kept the door open by telling me that when I got serious about taking control of my health that she would be happy to help me. 

Speaking of overly athletic, there is a current photograph of me with Pro Bowl Arizona Cardinal Cornerback Patrick Peterson on Google Plus.     You may agree that it wouldn't hurt if I lost a few pounds. 

My goal for the next 90 days is to COMPLETELY STOP drinking beer or alcohol, exercise a minimum of three days a week using body-weight exercises and clean up my diet using sound nutritional principles.    I will be making somewhat daily entries in order to. 

Thank you for reading this.   I am open to your feedback and welcome you to comment at anytime.    Monday June 23, 2014 will be the start of a period of positive, powerful, uplifting change.

Until we read again, 


p.s.    1314005688BP87y3.jpg (120×120)